Adani Green's share price increased by about 6% in early trade on Thursday, February 15, on the BSE, amid a lackluster market, continuing to show some traction for the second straight session. In contrast to the previous closing of ₹1852.70, the share price of Adani Green Energy opened at ₹1870.30 and quickly increased 5.8% to ₹1,959.60. The stock was 4.60 percent higher at ₹1,938 at 9:50 a.m.
The business stated in an exchange filing on Wednesday, February 14, that it had brought a 551 MW solar capacity in Khavda, Gujarat, online by feeding electricity into the national grid. On Wednesday, the stock closed 1.96 percent higher.
In addition, the corporation has a massive proposal to build a 30 GW renewable energy facility in Khavda, India. Upon completion, the project is anticipated to be the largest in the world. It will produce an astounding 81 billion units of electricity yearly, which is sufficient to power 16.1 million homes and prevent an astounding 58 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.
Adani Green Energy said on February 14 that it intended to increase the size of its overall portfolio to a commanding 20,844 MW and its operating portfolio to 9,029 MW.
"With proven expertise in developing large-scale renewable projects, a robust supply chain network and technological prowess, Adani Green Energy is best positioned to build this record-setting giga-scale plant with no parallel in the world’s clean energy sector," the business said.
In the meantime, the Adani Group's two power generating and distribution companies and two green energy companies recently had their outlooks upgraded by US-based rating agency Moody's due to the group's capital infusion, timely debt repayments, and improved financials over the previous year.
Adani Green Energy, Adani Green Energy Restricted Group-1 (which consists of Adani Green Energy (UP) Ltd, Parampujya Solar Energy Pvt Ltd, and Prayatna Developers Pvt Ltd), Adani Transmission Step-One, and Adani Electricity Mumbai were the four Adani companies that Moody's upgraded to stable on Tuesday.