Suzuki Motor Corporation President Toshihiro Suzuki announced on Wednesday that Maruti Suzuki India will invest Rs 35,000 crore to establish its second manufacturing site in Gujarat. Toshihiro, speaking at the 10th Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit (VGGS), stated that the plant would have an established production capacity of 10 lakh units per year.
"We will invest Rs 35,000 crore to build a second car plant in Gujarat that will produce an additional one million units per year." As a result, Gujarat's annual production capacity will be two million units: one million at Suzuki Motor Gujarat and one million at the second new factory, according to Suzuki.
Suzuki Motor owns around 58% of Maruti Suzuki India, which plans to increase production capacity by 20 lakh units by 2030-31, with approximately 28 different models on the market.
The automaker currently has a total production capacity of roughly 22 lakh units per year across its two manufacturing locations in Haryana and Gujarat. The two Haryana facilities, Gurgugram and Manesar, produce approximately 15.5 lakh units each year.
Suzuki Motor Gujarat, a subsidiary of the business, has also established a factory in Gujarat with a capacity of 7.5 lakh units per year. Furthermore, the automaker is currently in the midst of establishing a new production factory in Sonipat, Haryana, with an initial expenditure of Rs 11,000 crore. The first phase of the new factory, with a manufacturing capacity of 2.5 lakh units per year, is scheduled to open next year.