In a new set of allegations, Congress accused Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Chief Madhabi Puri Buch of "out and out corruption" after the main Opposition party revealed that the market regulator was dealing with several cases, including insider trading charges against Carol Info Services and Wockhardt.
Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera claimed that Buch rented out her apartments to Carol Info Services, a subsidiary of Wockhardt, against which the market regulator is probing many cases.
Madhabi Puri Buch ji became a full-time member of SEBI in 2018. After becoming a full-time member, she rented out one of his houses. In the fiscal year 2018-19, she collected Rs 7 lakh in rent. In 2019-20, she received Rs 36 lakh in rent for the same home, which has since escalated to Rs 46 lakh this year. The business to which Madhabi Puri Buch entrusted her property is Carol Info Services Limited, a subsidiary of Wockhardt," Khera stated.
He went on to say, "Wockhardt is the same corporation whose concerns are consistently handled by SEBI. "This is a complete case of corruption."